Tiny Robots Preventing the Outbreak of World War III?

Get the name of the company behind one of the Pentagon’s most closely guarded secrets <<HERE>>


As a science fiction fan – the rise of robotics is more than just an investment opportunity for me – it’s the realization of some of my favorite stories as a kid.

Ray Bradbury has been one of my favorite writers of all time – I think his stuff holds up to anything ever written – with many believing Fahrenheit 451 to be his best story.

As you may or may not remember, in Fahrenheit 451, Ray created robot dogs that helped the authorities track down emotional offenders – and he gave the chase scenes such life, especially in his description of the machines – that we could easily picture them down to their mouths.

Fast forward almost 60 years… and Ray’s creation has been brought to virtual life right next to Roboy. DARPA has recently revealed their fastest land robot yet (check out this short video)!

Amazing, right?

It seems that science is plucking these mechanical wonders right out of Ray’s book!!

If you thought these developments are incredible – you’re in for a WILD ride – as scientists at MIT have just created a robot that uses magnets to “to mimic molecules that fold themselves into complex shapes.”

This is where technology is headed, my friends…

Like a real world Transformer – except instead of a car – these robots contort into complex geometric shapes. But we may not be as far off from robots transforming into cars as you may think, as competition breeds creativity.

Jeremy Pitts, deputy head of the Intelligent Systems and Networks Group at Imperial College London told BBC News that now that this discovery has made headlines, that…

“There is going to be an interesting research race between groups trying to create reconfigurable structures out of such (robots) and those trying to build them out of independent self-assembling units.”

And his thoughts echo the surge that the robotics industry has made over the past year – growing to over $25 Billion dollars! A huge accomplishment to be sure…

But, as many experts are predicting, this industry is just at its beginning stages.

And it’s innovations like MIT’s shape changing robot, Roboy and DARPA’s Bradbury creation that is fueling robotics to become one of the most promising industries of this, and even the NEXT century.

Are you ready to profit from science fiction turned reality?

I sure am…

Now, if we can just get Star Wars’ light sabers working – I can die happy!